Centrik releases PillDrop prescription delivery option for consumer health apps

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October 17, 2023

It is even easier for patients to receive their repeat medications with PillDrop’s online service now featured as an order option in Centrik’s consumer health apps.

Centrik, developed by Ōtautahi Christchurch health tech company Webtools, powers applications that connect consumers with their health providers, allowing them to access their health data, book appointments, request repeat prescriptions, message their primary care team, and attend virtual consults.

Recently, Webtools and digital pharmacy, PillDrop, announced a partnership to surface PillDrop’s online service as an order option when requesting a repeat prescription on Centrik’s patient apps, allowing patients to choose to have their medications delivered to their door.

A seamless medication request process with access to an online pharmacy and delivery option is particularly valuable to patients who cannot easily travel to a pharmacy, allowing them to manage the entire process online.

Patients whose general practice currently use one of Centrik’s patient apps – Well, The Doctors app, or Better Health Outcomes – will see PillDrop as an additional option in the repeat prescription request process. Previously, patients would need to be aware of PillDrop’s service and search for it as an option when selecting a pharmacy for their medication request.

Medication requests made through PillDrop’s online service are delivered to any Aotearoa address pre-sorted and packed by date and time. The service is free for anyone taking at least four regular medicines.

For more information on Centrik’s frictionless digital solution, purpose built to meet the needs of healthcare providers and their patients, check out the Centrik website or get in touch for a demo.

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