Payment for Appointments now available with Centrik patient apps

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July 24, 2024

Health providers using one of Centrik’s consumer health apps now have the option to capture payment for appointments booked through the platform, providing one seamless process for patients to book and pay for consultations.

When configured by their health provider, appointment payment is incorporated into the booking process for patients using one of Centrik’s patient portal apps – Well, The Doctors app, Local Doctors app, or Better Health Outcomes.

Using Centrik’s modern patient portal solution, patients can easily select and book an appointment that best suits their needs, whether this is with a preferred practitioner or the next available slot at their medical centre. Patients can select either an in-person or video consult, or for health providers with multiple sites, they can select a preferred location.

From the Centrik Web Console, health providers can set variable appointment pricing based on patient age and enrolment status, as well as configure alternative session pricing for after hours or weekend services.

When booking an appointment from the Centrik patient app, online portal, or web booking link, patients will be presented with the calculated price, derived from their details on record at the medical centre. Appointments that meet the alternative session criteria are indicated and the relevant price displayed.

Booking and payment is completed in one secure and easy process, with the option for patients to save their credit card details for use with future payments. Where the derived price for a patient is zero, the payment step will automatically be skipped in the booking process.

Centrik has standards-based integration with the Practice Management System (PMS) using Medtech’s ALEX® API platform and adhering to HL7® FHIR® standards, meaning appointments booked appear directly in PMS and include details of the amount paid, allowing for this to be recorded as a payment against the patient’s record.

From the Centrik Web Console, providers can view, search, and filter appointment bookings by patient name or NHI, date, payout details, or invoice status. Bookings include the appointment and patient details, along with a breakdown of the payment captured with the relevant variable pricing criteria applied. 

The rollout of Appointment Payments follows the recent launch of Centrik’s Script Request Payments feature. Implementing pre-payment in Centrik’s apps for appointments and script requests ensures that health providers are capturing payment upfront, avoiding debt accruing and reducing administrative time spent chasing payments.

For more information on Centrik’s frictionless digital solution, designed together with health providers and patients to meet their needs, check out the Centrik website or get in touch for a demo.

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